[Unity] Assets Manager Pro
The ultimate tool to index, organize and search into your .unitypackage files !
- Setup a searchable list of all your packages
- Parse packages to display their version number, author, categories, path etc. All fields are searchable using regular expressions
- Automatically rename and/or organize packages into folders. Those folders are generated using the asset store categories
- Extract any unitypackage as a zip archive (even packages stated as corrupted in the Unity Editor)
- Quickly check assets inside a package. (Displays a list of file with their asset thumbnail)
- Quickly check the asset store page of any package
- Windows explorer right click menu shortcuts (for windows users only)
- List, index and parse all your unitypackages. Display their assets as a grid of thumbnails
- Search the index using regular expressions
- Extract any asset from any unitypackage
- Generate lists of packages
- PC and MAC support
- Tested with folders containing thousands of packages
- *NEW* Update Checker : let you automatically check for updates on your packages and open their download page on Unity for you !
- *NEW* A shortcut menu for Windows users let you check for updates by right clicking on any .unitypackage file
- *NEW* Blazing fast package extractor & reader !
- *NEW* 2 tabs to search on the Asset Store and keep an eye on new plugin releases !
- *NEW* CSV Exporter
- *NEW* Hierarchical folder view
- *NEW* Unity Editor plugin that list all your packages to import them easily without having Assets Manager open.
VERSION : 1.5.221 (2021) Now compatible with the new Asset Store update!
More info here : Website and manual
Search into your packages files and extract anything
Index your packages
Parse the content of unitypackages
See unity package description from the asset store
You will get the Assets Manager application. And a Unity plugin to access your packages directly from your unity editor.